Lions Mane

Your Brain's New BFF

Lion’s Mane

You know those moments when you just can’t seem to think, focus, or make a decision? Thankfully, this fuzzy mushroom is here to make your brain… well, a little less fuzzy. It has been used in Eastern medicine for centuries, mainly for energy and as a treatment for digestive ailments. Biohackers, entrepreneurs, and busy parents alike adore this mushroom for its brain-boosting, focus-enhancing effects. Emerging medical research suggests that Lion’s Mane may prevent cognitive decline, even reducing symptoms of Alzheimer's and Dementia.



Key Focus Areas

Congnitive function, energy levels, stress

Found In

Asia, Europe, North America

Why We Use It

Research suggests that Lions Mane stimulates the growth of new brain cells, fights against symptoms of depression and anxiety, and support gut, heart, and immune health

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